Does Using Crutches Build Muscle? Exploring the Truth

Does Using Crutches Build Muscle? | A Comprehensive Analysis

When an injury or surgery restricts your mobility, crutches become a necessary tool to aid in your movement. But a common question many individuals have is: Can using crutches actually help build muscle? The short answer is yes, but it’s important to understand the extent of muscle development, which muscle groups are involved, and how to use crutches properly for potential muscle gain.

Understanding the Workout Crutches Provide

Crutches provide a form of upper body aerobic exercise. They require the use of several major muscle groups. Below is a table outlining the primary muscles you exercise when using crutches.

Muscle Group Description
Pectorals The chest muscles are engaged each time you push down on the crutches to lift your body.
Deltoids These shoulder muscles are crucial in stabilizing your arms while you move.
Triceps The back of your upper arms help in extending the elbow to support your weight during crutch use.
Latissimus dorsi The muscles of your mid-back work to stabilize your torso while using crutches.
Core muscles Abdominals and lower back muscles are engaged to maintain balance and posture.
Forearm muscles Used for gripping the crutches and providing additional support and balance.

How Crutches Can Contribute to Muscle Strength

Using crutches creates a scenario similar to resistance training due to the repetitive lifting of your own body weight. This can lead to increased muscle strength, particularly in the upper body.

  • Endurance: Continuous use of crutches requires your muscles to work for extended periods, which improves muscular endurance.
  • Stability: As your body seeks to balance on crutches, your core and stabilizing muscles are constantly at work, thus getting stronger over time.
  • Upper Body Strength: Because the weight-bearing load is transferred to the upper body, muscles in the arms, shoulders, and back are compelled to strengthen to accommodate this shift.

Tips for Maximizing Muscle Building While Using Crutches

While using crutches does work your muscles, following these tips can help you ensure you’re gaining the maximum benefit:

  1. Maintain Proper Form: Keep your elbows slightly bent and shoulders relaxed to avoid strain.
  2. Adjust Crutch Height: Crutches should be properly adjusted to your height to prevent hunching or reaching, which can lead to improper muscle use and fatigue.
  3. Engage Your Core: Keep your abdominal muscles tight while moving to enhance core strength and stability.
  4. Consistent Pace: Maintain a steady rhythm when ambulating to promote endurance and prevent overexertion.
  5. Rest When Needed: Listen to your body and take breaks as necessary to prevent overworking your muscles and causing potential injury.

Considerations and Contraindications

It’s essential to note that while using crutches can help in muscle development, there are important considerations:

  • Consult a Professional: Always follow the advice of a healthcare professional to prevent further injury.
  • Risk of Overuse: Relying too heavily or incorrectly on crutches can lead to overuse injuries such as tendonitis.
  • Balance of Exercise: Pair crutch use with other forms of exercise, as recommended by a healthcare provider, to ensure a well-rounded fitness routine.


In conclusion, using crutches can indeed contribute to building muscle, particularly in the upper body. However, it should not be solely relied upon as a means to improve muscle strength. Always use crutches with the correct technique and incorporate other forms of physical activity to achieve overall fitness and well-being.

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